Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Theory of Comedy

You really should read this priceless essay. Granted, we aren't specifically working on comedy, but the ideas hold quite true. Taflinger is seen as something of a genius in this area, and widely respected for his views on comedy. Sounds funny, doesn't it: making an academic study of comedy?

The link is buggy. Try copying it into your browser.



Anonymous said...

Who slipped on my banana peel?!
Apparently not!
Where are my pants?
I'll take three.
Who's on first?
And the spoon ran off with the moon.
Bet you didn't think i knew what a eugoogalie was!
No, internet dating.
Does it make sense, no. Can it be funny... potentially.


Jon Beaupre said...


I think it is pretty funny. It would be fun to hear this as one side of a conversation.